I'm sorry I could not be here with you today. Presentations will be pushed to Monday and Tuesday! BE PREPARED! If you did not finish your presentation you can use today as a catch up! Follow the directions below:
“You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.”
A. What do you think this quote means?
B. How can you relate this quote to this class or any other classes at Tioga?
C. Have you ever held yourself back because you thought you couldn't do something?
In the email you will answer the questions below in COMPLETE SENTENCES and send it to Mr. Graney.
1. What is the name of the program you used to complete your project?
2. What other types of technologies did you use to complete your projects?
3. What were some cool features/things you learned how to do?
4. Was it hard working with a partner? Explain your answer!
5. What was the easiest part of completing this project?
6. What was the hardest part?
7. What grade do you feel you deserve on this project?
8. Will you be ready to present on Monday and Tuesday?
9. Do you feel like you are ready to move on to creating your website? Explain your answer!