Objective: SWBAT navigate and explore our class website and write at least 4 sentences about what they discovered by correctly logging into their computer for the first time. Step 1: Explore The Class Website
anthony petty
8/20/2014 03:05:04 am
i watched a video. it was so funny. i also love this website.just one question how did you make this web site.
Brianna Williams
8/21/2014 03:25:05 am
that video was so funny
8/22/2014 03:33:39 am
this web is the best it has very funny videos and fun games
patrick newell
8/20/2014 03:05:25 am
what i discovered is kid snipping saw our agenda.we all logged in .and i want to ask can we sighn in with it at home
joseph cordova
8/20/2014 03:05:54 am
today i learned how to explore a web page.I also discovered all sorts of funny videos and how things work in this class.I have read what we must do and how to do it.I now understand a little better on what must be done here and am looking forward to this class.
blaize purnell
8/20/2014 03:06:06 am
I saw a snippet about a mean doctor.it was kinda funny and was a little annoying but funny.i saw a guy smash a computer.the guy who saw him smash it was scared.
jalen maldonado
8/20/2014 03:06:34 am
I lerned to use computers more better and its is fun on the website you get to wacth funny videos and looking at some cool stuff so someday I can learn to make my own website to give to my students when I am a teacher and i will help them leran to make there own website.
kailou lopez
8/20/2014 03:06:52 am
I was watching kid snippets.The other thing i looked was how to make a video game.The thing that i most liked was was how the daily thing were we can just go to it so we just do what we need to do.Mr.graney is the coolest he letting u sit where we want unless we talk.
Alexandrea Torres
8/20/2014 03:06:58 am
Today I watched videos on our class website. I also explored the website.The types of things we discovered were some information about our class. I really want to find out how to create my own website.
Gracie Lopez
8/20/2014 03:06:58 am
Today I discovered a girl named Emily Salinas created a crossword puzzle. Why do we do comments, or ticket out the door? Another thing I did was explore all the things that are posted or put on this website. Also it shows what kind of things we will learn in technology.
Kamilah glover
8/20/2014 03:07:17 am
what i discovered today was the videos and the game programming application videos and other things like that.what i noticed was that their was effort that was put into this website.Are we allowed to put videos and games and much more on our website when we start making websites ?
Kevin Hernandez
8/20/2014 03:07:39 am
We can see what we are going to do for the day. We can watch fun videos on the website. We see directions of what we are going to do. We can see the programs he has put on this website.
Breanna Piper
8/20/2014 03:07:47 am
We can see what we are going to do today.We can also watch videos.The class will also know what to do.I discorverd new videos.
sarah larios
8/20/2014 03:08:14 am
Today what I learned was to explore and know what we are going to do in this class. somethings that i discovered is that everybody is going to participate in a tournament. Also we are going to make a web and make videos and much more.
Diana Paz
8/20/2014 03:08:22 am
Today i explored Mr.Graney's website. I watched videos, explored mostly the whole page. I want to know how to create my own website. I also explored information about our classroom.
Leslie Romero
8/20/2014 03:08:29 am
Today i did was look at the funny videos. i was looking all kinds of little cool stuff. so yeah i really didn't get to explore allot of things .my question---umm i really want to now more about this website...
Atlai Medina
8/20/2014 03:08:43 am
I discovered that there is a tournament for technology.I discovered that there are videos that Mr.Graney put.I discovered we have a class website.I explored the videos that Mr.Graney put on our class website.Will you put anymore new videos on our class website?
Ezra Talamantez
8/20/2014 03:08:56 am
i discovered that there was a funny videos.there was someone who did a robot trunament this year.you could make your own avatar and what it says.its cool how we are going to make own website always go on this page for work?
Joshua Vang
8/20/2014 03:10:32 am
I now know that you will be able to make your own website.I discovered that there are lots of funny videos.There is Daily directions.There is also the quote of the week.I discovered that there is a video of the tournament.Is making a movie almost the same as making a game?
jesus rodriguez
8/20/2014 03:11:02 am
what i did today was learning about the school and what are you guys up to in the school and Thats what i learned today in this period.
Julian Quinones
8/20/2014 03:11:16 am
Today I learned about Mr. Graney's website that he did for his classes.i also learned about the different activities that Mr. Graney do for his advanced tech class. Something else I learned somethings we are able to do with computers like a vocabulary puzzle or LEGO robots. I just have one question, how long did it take to build the website.
Gracie sierras
8/20/2014 03:11:36 am
what we did to day was look around and explored the website . I saw funny cool videos on his website . one of my questions are , when will we be able to start doing things on the computers . I also saw some quotes that I liked, they were interesting .
Justin Parks
8/20/2014 03:11:45 am
I discovered how to go on websites and watch awesome videos.I also watched videos that make me feel I'm not the only one to make alot of mistakes. This was a fun time at technology and I cant wait to come back next time.
Kelly lee
8/20/2014 03:11:45 am
I explore the website,that was very good and cool.Also when I saw a video that shows about at a technology tournament.Then also saw the video about the tech tournament .Plus there was very funny videos that was fun too.Well I have a question is how will all the students do it with out you.
destinee sandoval
8/20/2014 03:11:55 am
today i saw videos about people that act dame.i saw that we are going to be making are own videos. i saw that we are going to make are own carters.are we going to be making are own 3D cars.
david rodney
8/20/2014 03:12:08 am
i watched kid snipps. i watched how to make a game. i watched how to make a 3d car. we got your new seats
sophia her
8/20/2014 03:12:14 am
What i did today was discover alot like creating videos and games and other stuff.We also learn about how to use it like how to use this web site.The other things we did was look at the stuff and watch some videos.The other thing we did was exploring the class website.What does the other thing do like the advance something i forgot what it said but that's all
Jessica Contreras
8/20/2014 03:12:31 am
Today I explored the class website and found some weird videos that are on the website. I also found out that you can make your own avatar for the website. I discovered that there is an advanced tech thing on the website.I also found some like game or something.
samuel aguiar period 2
8/20/2014 03:12:44 am
today I explored mrgraney.com I saw many videos. Also I saw a video about things we will do this year. I also saw a avatar that we will make. but I have 1 question and it is how does the 3d printer work
DeShaun Knuckles
8/20/2014 03:12:56 am
The first thing i did today on this website was i watched the advanced tech video. Next i explored other cool things on the site then i watched the kid president video.I think it is very it is a very cool website and i discovered what the 3d car creator does.The question i have is will we b making our avetar any time soon
Louise Roebuck
8/20/2014 03:13:46 am
Today in technology i learned how to log in on the computer with my user name and password . I also went on a website and i was able to watch videos about school and other fun stuff.i really liked this because i got to watch a couple videos and they were funny. I also discovered that i can make my own website and put videos on it for people to see and that seems really fun to do. So i think i'm going to have so much fun in technology.
Alexcia Garcia
8/20/2014 03:14:19 am
First, I went to Mr.Granny website. Then, I checked out videos which some was funny. Next,I noticeted that Mr.Graney has a avater and you can make one to. Finnally, I notice how you can do this.
Linda Xiong
8/20/2014 03:14:47 am
Today I discovered videos that were funny to me. You get to know about Mr. Graney and his cool website. I watched videos that were about school in a funny way. I think I'm going to like this class a lot because we get to learn how to use the computer.
Micah Rivas, former football master
8/20/2014 04:00:47 am
Today I found various things on this website, such as videos, text, images, and links.I guess that's it then. I suppose i could make a website of my own. this website is pretty ok then. Not much else to say.
breanna ortiz
8/20/2014 04:03:02 am
i discover lots of things on our website. their was lots of cool things.
Joey Briseno
8/20/2014 04:03:57 am
I think this website is tight.I also thin this website is very interesting and i'm really into to it. It has awesome and funny videos that Mr. Graney has put up. He also has very cool facts about technology that i will lie to learn about.
Pedro vazquez
8/20/2014 04:04:02 am
1 I learned a new class website. 2 I learned pepole get mad if their computer don't work. 3 it is fun going to new websites. 4 The website I went to it was fun.
Elaine Yang
8/20/2014 04:05:02 am
I discover that this website is about what we are gonna do today,video and writing. The videos that Mr.Graney post up in this website the video were okay. But i did know more about Mr.Graney for the ''More'' section.I would love if he put more videos and things on this website,it's very cool.
joey briseno
8/21/2014 03:53:30 am
wanna go out
8/22/2014 03:21:05 am
hey do you know hailey vue
Destiny zavala
8/20/2014 04:05:19 am
Today I discovered many things . I watched videos that are very funny lol , there wasnt many but i hope to see more during the year. As i went threw the stuff i seen that there was all kinds of things that we are going be doing in this class . I learned a new website today and it was pretty fun . I Love exploring things in your classroom its very interesting.
Araya Velasquez
8/20/2014 04:05:38 am
Today we went on the wed site that you crated. On the wed site we explored it. There was videos and information on the class.
Yorkabel Gebrehiwot
8/20/2014 04:07:06 am
Today I discovered lots of new things on our class website. One of the things i discovered would be watching videos, see what the advanced technology class can do. Today I also explored things in our classroom website and it was fun. In our classroom website it was fun to go on it. One question I have when are we gonna start making 3D cars?
jacob gillette
8/20/2014 04:07:12 am
i discovered all the cool videos and articles.i watched all of them and read some of the articles.i also saw some of your old students.when do we make the video games,and are they on xbox 360
Glerhu Chang
8/20/2014 04:07:19 am
Today what I learned on the website was a little about Mr.Graney. Also I now know that if I missed a day or need to catch up on this class, I can just go on this website and check what I missed out on. There's an academic calender on this website too. Well thats some of the stuff I now know about this website.
Ethan thongrasmy
8/20/2014 04:07:25 am
I went on Mr. Graney website and discover lots of things. What I discover was the videos on the website and lots of other things like about the website how to watch videos and learn about tech. I would like it if Mr. Graney would put more videos on his website.
rodrigo joya
8/20/2014 04:07:36 am
today i discovered that mr. graney has website and it is cool.You can watch videos that are only on the website page.I know it sounds boring but the videos are very funny.I have a question i wonder when are we going to build are own video games?
8/20/2014 04:07:46 am
What i did today is learn how to get on our class website. And learned how to sign on the computer .Also i learned how to get my homework assigments if i miss a day or class i just pull up this website at home. I discorvered how to work and to pull up things on our website today . But i have question for you today 'How do you know alot about the computers did you take class to work on computers.
8/20/2014 04:08:03 am
I discovered that everything we will be doing will be in the daily directions for each day.I also discovered we might be doing a "partner biography" project later on.Also,almost everyday they will post some stuff on the websites such as videos and what we are doing.I also discovered our parents can go on this website and see what we did so they know we are doing projects.Also, how did you make this website?
Nevaeh stinson
8/20/2014 04:08:20 am
Today we went and looked at our class website.The other thing we did was look around.We also watched viedos.The last thing we did was look at other things.
Daisha Mendez
8/20/2014 04:08:27 am
Today we went on the computer and we watch movies and we learn lots of new things today.He showed us how to log in and how to look up stuffs.My question is if we do have computers can we log in and look up ''www.Mr.Graney''.
jose rodriguez
8/20/2014 04:08:36 am
one getting started in my school website.also loging in are username and password thats two.and i discoverd in our school website is you could watch videos in our school website thats three.and the last one is that we learn the rules.
Evaly Delgado
8/20/2014 04:08:36 am
There are many interesting videos.
Rene ramirez
8/20/2014 04:08:42 am
what i did was watch snippet videos and look on the website. i also found other things on the website like the comment we make. I also found some new videos on the website they were kind of funny.also on Mr. graneys website it was pretty cool i liked it.
Adriana Galvan
8/20/2014 04:08:52 am
Today I was exploring on Mr. Graneys website. I thought the website was very creative and interesting. Also i like the videos he made, they were very funny.And i liked the quotes, especially the one on how to not give up. I discovered stuff about to be respectful at all times and to have responsibility. I would ask how do you make those types of videos?
yasmeen ali
8/20/2014 04:08:59 am
today i learn knewthings about the class i learn how to use the computer. and then i watch funny videos. even i learn about technology class it was the first class i see in fresno .
8/20/2014 04:09:05 am
I learned that the website has a couple of funny videos that i really enjoyed. I also saw that there is this like little avatar thing of Mr.Graney which i thought was cool too. i saw that he also puts what we're supposed to do in the class. It is really cool that mr.graney has his own classroom website. Can you put more funny videos on the website?
solomon mamo
8/20/2014 04:09:11 am
i discoverdhow to use the computer and see the new cool videos
brayanm ramirez
8/20/2014 04:09:16 am
what we did today was go to mrgraney.com and explore the website.
Nakiya Peak
8/20/2014 04:09:26 am
On this class website today , I discover lots of new things on our website . I liked watching the video's that was on our website they was funny and it was fun . I like the website . Today I also discover , that we have our website. One Question , Why do we have our class website .
Abdullah Ali
8/20/2014 04:09:32 am
What I learned today is that all work is done on our class website. we watched a video based on lessons we got to go to the web we will do all the work we will creat webs and moddle cars
Joseph Fraire
8/20/2014 04:09:43 am
while i was was looking through the class website,i learned and saw crazy and funny videos and i also learned about partner biography.A other thing i learned about was about game making.a other fun and silly thing i learned about was the snippets.
nathaniel martinez
8/20/2014 04:09:51 am
i discovered that there were the videos on Graney's website had kids replace the adults voices. I also discovered that the tech class kids are making a video game for the website. we also all get to make are own games and im also exited about that.one of the questions i have is if the class is going to race our class is going to race the 3D cars.
Bryan Arellano
8/20/2014 04:10:09 am
What I did today on the class website i watch some funny videos.We got to log on the computers.I discover that we have funny videos on the classes website. This is a fun class !!!!
Kimberly Vang
8/20/2014 04:45:49 am
Uhhh... I Learn That This Website Has Lost Of Things We Did Last Year. There are new things posted on this website. Games and other posted things that we have to do are posted on this website.
chloe flippo
8/20/2014 06:21:18 am
Today I tried checking out everything I could. I only had a short amount of time, so I couldn't look at much. What I discovered was what I do when I get on this website. It seems pretty simple.
juan ponce
8/20/2014 06:21:42 am
the tech class is cool with the computer learning but is much better with the computer
jesse lee
8/20/2014 06:21:45 am
i learned how to go on to the website.i learned on the class website is some funny videos and some things about my tec teacher.what are going to do for the rest of school year in the class 46
Alejandra Garcia
8/20/2014 06:22:20 am
I went to www.mrgraney.com website.
Sean Webb
8/20/2014 06:22:44 am
learned how to get on this website.if i needed to know how to make a website or something i will come here. learned what type of website i can make a website with. and how to leave a comment. :{P
8/20/2014 06:22:54 am
what learn today how to login.
Ramelle Rollins
8/20/2014 06:23:20 am
First thing I completed today is Logging on to computers. The second thing that I did today was get onto this website.The third thing I did today was Get on my password ready.The last thing I will be doing is sending this comment. I discovered on the website that you can seeing directions on the website. What does the alt button do?
edwin bolanos
8/20/2014 06:23:34 am
we learned how to login to our computers. we now also know how to logout of the computers. we learned how to search for a website how long did it take you to mak3 this website?
Toni-Rae Cerda
8/20/2014 06:23:45 am
i discovered was that it has funny videos.
Riaz Umar
8/20/2014 06:23:55 am
today we learned how to use a computer . and we got the good computers . so its even better . and today was very bool
sammy samaniego
8/20/2014 06:24:06 am
Dear class website today we learned to log in on computers.And we watched videos.Today was very bool.
Logan k-b
8/20/2014 06:24:13 am
MR GRANEY thank you for every thing that we learned today and i appreciate all that you have taught us.i discovered the videos .and i have one thing to ask do you know how to make a movie?
angel luis figueroa
8/20/2014 06:25:02 am
We learned that you can leave a commet. I also learned that there's videos. We have a quote of the week. How are we going to make a website.
luciana reyes
8/20/2014 06:25:12 am
Today I watched all the videos some were funny. What i discovered today is that Mr.Graney has lots of fun activites to do.The one i really want to do is the cars.I can't wait !!
Jennifer Jimenez
8/20/2014 06:25:19 am
On the website i discover of how we make our own video game.Then i went to go check out the videos and, what we were going to do today.I also went to check out the music Mr.Graney put on.I would like to know how much does it take to make a video game and on what device we can play it on.
Giovanni Ibarra
8/20/2014 06:25:38 am
We learned how to leave a comment.The discovery of this website there is video's.On this website I discovered there was a typing game.How are we gonna make are game.
sarah nino
8/20/2014 06:26:31 am
On our school website i learned how to leave comments on a computer instead of writing on paper. It teaches you how to use a computer better. For some people they are learning how to use the computer better so it helped them. Also, we got to watch videos. Can you tell us more about our school on the website?
ashanti hilson
8/20/2014 06:26:37 am
The first thing i did today was practice logging in.The next thing i did was practice signing out. Another thing i did today was go on the website. Also i watched some videos on the website.Types of things i discovered on the class website was videos about many things.A question i have is where do are videos go after we made them.
Maria Ruth Peralta
8/20/2014 06:26:37 am
Today I saw a video of 2 students making a video of their Biolgy test and got a good grade. Also know how to make a commet in the computer.
sirena lopez
8/20/2014 06:26:56 am
Today i listen to music. After i just looked at the page and i saw some videos.i think the website teaches you how to use the computer better. And the teacher taught us how to leave comments.Can u tell us more about the website?
zackry pimentel
8/20/2014 06:27:03 am
MR. GRANEY that you for every thing we learned today. thank you for put me in your thek class
Christina Eurich
8/20/2014 06:27:12 am
The first thing i did today was logging in and out three times.Another thing i also did today was exploring this page. I liked to explore this page because i got to watch some funny videos, an if you want to laugh you should come to this page and check them out.
kou yang
8/20/2014 06:27:24 am
I discover how to get on the website. I have a question how do you put video on the website. I discover how you can get
randy orellana
8/20/2014 06:27:44 am
what I did today was cool because i got to get on mr graneys websiteand i watched some videos and it was really cool that my teacher has his own website and it is cool that i got to see diffrent kind of videos so i think that it was hard making a website and i want to do it too
Eduardo Gaxiola
8/20/2014 06:28:21 am
I watch mr.Graney's videos that he set up for the website. I also saw what people wanted to be when they grow up. I learned what they do in Mr.Graney's tech class. I saw the advanced tech class. The things i discover were the pretty funny videos like computer smash and kid snippets. What will you be doing this year.
Carlos garcia
8/20/2014 06:28:49 am
I learned how to get on this website.
Daeja Holmes
8/20/2014 06:28:57 am
Today we looked at hilarious videos on the school web site. What I discovered on the website is more information about this school and class. Also things were gonna do in this year. How much fun will we have this year
ja'len willis
8/20/2014 06:29:30 am
today in technology class on mr. graney's web site i watched video that i can learn about school and videos i can learn more about my classes and not have diffulcultys
Danny Orozco
8/20/2014 06:29:41 am
Today i learned how to log in and how to log in the website.
Luis Cesni
8/20/2014 06:29:46 am
today I logged in to the computer.Second I went to goggle chrome.lastly I
Allana Moreno
8/20/2014 07:13:27 am
Today we go to go on Tioga's website. We explored it. And watched vidoes. And got a seating chart. I discovered that Tioga's website has Mr Graney's schedule. Does Mr Graney love computers?
Edward cota
8/20/2014 07:13:27 am
Today we learned log on and off the web site.
mary chang
8/20/2014 07:13:39 am
Today we got to sign into our computers and look into Mr. Graneys website. This website was awesome! I loved everything on here! i discovered about the rules. Does Mr. Graney have more awesome things to show us?
Bryanna Vallejo
8/20/2014 07:13:52 am
Today us students learned how to log on and off of the computer.I learned in tech class that we have a class website. I was also watching approved videos on the class website. And, I discovered how to use the class website.I would like to know will be doing this everyday?
sariah chavez
8/20/2014 07:14:00 am
today we logged in the computer and discovered the videos on how the technology class works. 1 question i have is do you love computers.
Kang Moua
8/20/2014 07:14:00 am
What I did today was I explored Mr, Granny's website. I also checked his tutorial videos and his game tutorials on how to make stuff and how to add stuff. I never knew how to sign up, now I know i'm a expert. I watched your funny videos that you put on your website and I like the way you talk in your videos. I have a question, why is the computer icon so small on my desktop?
defia ali
8/20/2014 07:14:01 am
Today i watched the funny videos. They were so funny and cool. i also read the weekly quotes. The quotes were cool and smart.
8/20/2014 07:14:25 am
jovanny barrera neria
8/20/2014 07:15:29 am
i leard in tech class how to log on to mr graney website. i leard how too log log on the conputer. i leard how to go on the inturnet. i lear how to sreach a wabsite. now need to learn how to type good
hailey walker
8/20/2014 07:15:36 am
what we did today in tech class was go on www.mrgraney.com. What I did on that website was look at all of the things that caught my eye. The mrgraney website is website that has all types of school appropiate videos. When i went on the website i saw lots of funny videos of adults with kids voices
nathan kimoto
8/20/2014 07:16:16 am
Today i learned that there is a website. I learned that there is a seating chart. I learned that, how to get on the computer. We get to make our own websites. when do we make are own website
juan ramon palomera
8/20/2014 07:16:27 am
i saw videos on the home page. i loged in the the competer. i saw the daily directions. i got on google chrome to mr graneys web site. how did you make this website.
Joshua Smilanick
8/20/2014 07:16:54 am
today what i did was see videos.i also looked on your web site.i got on a new web sight. and i sined on the cumputer.wen can we make our one game
Ethan noble spry
8/20/2014 07:17:05 am
I like tech I signed in three times. I also went to your web site . I watched vidoes . It is cool that you lets me chue gum in class
Mackenzie Erin Cooley
8/20/2014 07:18:29 am
It's all hilarious videos fun stuff. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!$ ;) :0 no matter what you won't give up on me. thanks all this fun stuff. All this knowledge that you give us even though that's what your here for. Will we be able make fund for off our website for the homeless?
steven guttierrez
8/20/2014 07:18:36 am
Today I leaned hoe to long into the laptop.I went to the class web site.we watch funny videos.were do we have races?
Ariana Solis
8/20/2014 07:18:42 am
Today i learned how to log in to the computer. I saw some things on are website that i find really funny and cool. The games were really fun and i enjoyed looking at the website?..Are we going to do the 3D car this year?
Betsua Estrada
8/20/2014 07:19:02 am
1.Today I learned how to login onto a laptop...
Gerardo De La Torre
8/20/2014 07:19:20 am
Today I learned how to sign in the computer.I also learned how to go on our class website.We learned how to to watch videos on the class website.I also learned how to log in using my username and password.
jonathan amaro
8/20/2014 07:19:30 am
Today l did was how to learn to sing in the computer. I learn how to watch videos on the computer. I learn how to go on the class website.i learn how to log in using my password and username .
David George
8/20/2014 07:19:44 am
We explored this website.I watched videos on this website.
Fernando Morones
8/20/2014 07:19:50 am
Today I learned that the technology class has a very nice website. It has a lot of funny videos . It also has different sections on were you want to go. It also has places that us students need to visit . My question is that does the stuff from the days past gets replaced by new'er things?
nathaniel martinez
8/22/2014 03:47:11 am
Today in class i learned that there is cool websites. There is one for writing and for learning different things. my favorite was the welcome to the web
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