Objective 2:SWBAT navigate and complete exciting challenges and activities that will allow them to learn more about the internet by working their way through the website "Welcome To The Web."
Good Morning/Afternoon Class!
Happy Friday everyone!!! Today we will be taking a look at our "Quote of the Week" and finishing your "Welcome to the Web" handout. The quote of the week can be found on the whiteboard as well as on the "Quote of the Week" page. If you haven't read the quote of the week, please do so now. The link to the quote is below which will open in a new window.
1. What do you think this quote means?
2. How can you relate this quote to this class or any other classes at Tioga?
3. Do you think "Respect" is important?
When you are done and when you have posted your comment please move on to step two!
Step Two: Log back onto the website "Welcome to the Web" to complete your handout from yesterday. On this section you will learn how to properly search the internet and find correct answers to the questions provided. Each question is about a different topic ranging from Math, Science, History, English, Music, and more. This is a great way to learn new and exciting information while learning to use the web. Have fun!!!
Attention: This is due TODAY at the end of class! All work must be 100% completed to be turned in. Click on the image below to be taken back to the "Welcome to the Web" page.