Today you will learn more about certain functions that you can do on your webpage such as adding "COLUMNS" and a "CONTACT FORM." You will also be given all the requirements for your project so that every student may work at their own pace.
Your website should be made up of 10 pages total. See below for each page requirements. Every page has its own specific requirements. Read carefully.
Page 1: Home Page
This will be the page that will show up first when people visit your website. The home page should be a brief introduction about you. Insert your Voki Avatar on this page as an introduction as well as insert a photo of yourself. Write one paragraph explaining about who you are and another paragraph explaining what they will find on your website. Insert a “Contact Form” anywhere on the page.
Page 2: Class Schedule
One page describing your schedule of your classes at Tioga. List each class and the teacher. Put a picture for each class and explain in one paragraph what you are currently learning in that SPECIFIC class. On this page you will also have another section in which you will tell me your favorite class and teacher. Explain in one paragraph why and use pictures.
Page 3: Favorite Sport
One page describing your favorite sport and your favorite athlete – this could include colors of your favorite team, pictures of the team, etc. One paragraph describing who they are and one paragraph telling me why they are your favorite.
Page 4: Family
One page describing your family – give a biographical paragraph of each member living in your house. You may include pets or relatives that have passed if you wish. Be sure to add photographs as well. If you would like to bring in a picture Mr. Graney and scan send the photo to you.
Page 5: Favorite Holiday
One page describing your favorite holiday – explain in one paragraph why this is your favorite and include another paragraph with some facts about the holiday. There should also be some graphics and pictures inserted that are related to your holiday.
Page 6: Future Plans
One page describing what you plan on doing when you “grow up”. This should be about the career you plan on having when you finish school. Where are you planning on going to school, work, military service, etc? Think fifteen years down the road. One paragraph about what you want to be when you grow up and another paragraph describing what you have to do to get there.
Page 7: Travel
One page describing a place you would like to visit. Where and why? Give me at least one paragraph telling me about the location and another paragraph telling me why you want to go there. Include pictures and research found from the Internet.
Page 8: Meeting My Idol
One page describing who you would like to meet and why? Give me a paragraph about who they are and another paragraph telling me why you want to meet them? Include pictures.
Page 9: Interests
One page that can be about anything you want. (It must be appropriate). Create a “Slide Show” of at least 8 images about the topic you choose. Explain in one paragraph about what your topic is and one paragraph about why you choose this topic.
Page 10: I Learned
One page explaining about what you learned and the tools you used to create your website. You will create a blog for this page and give me at least two paragraphs of what you learned. You should have at least 4 pictures describing what you learned to support your paragraphs. You will also have one student comment on your blog.
This project will take up to 3 weeks to complete. Each individual page will be given at least two class periods to complete. Each page is worth 10 points which will total 100 points for the entire project.
When you finish, email me your web address to [email protected]